Window Wanderland- January 2020
Established in 2015 in Bristol, Window Wanderland is an award-winning project, which provides resources for communities around the world to set up their own magical window displays, day or night, throughout the year.
Wanderlands bring neighbourhoods together, reduce social isolation, and inspire creativity.
On the weekend of 18- 19 January 2020, Alcester held its first Window Wanderland event, with many residents and businesses entering.
The Mayor, Cllr Gill Forman and her Consort, Cllr Tim Forman and Deputy Mayor, Cllr Kathryn Cargill and her husband Mark, had the enjoyable task of judging all of the decorated windows. It was very hard to pick a winner because all entrants had put in such a fantastic effort and produced some stunning displays.
Despite the Covid 19 pandemic, Alcester Window Wanderland 2021 was a stunning display of colourful imagination from 26 entries from around the Town. The 2021 event lasted a week from 16 to 23 January, during which time residents could enjoy the displays whilst taking their daily exercise.
In 2022, from 15 – 22 January window makers brought Covid proof joy to window wanderers in our lovely community.
Alcester Window Wanderland 2023– January 2023 saw Alcester’s streets being transformed into another magical window walk-about for the fourth year running. There were 36 Window Makers helping to create the magic. In addition, Councillor Alison Leask created some amazing windows promoting Warm Hubs around town.
A generous donation from Seco Tools enabled the event plus two workshops which were both well attended and helped many to get their creative juices flowing. Window Wanderland brings together our community and neighbours of all ages.
Window Wanderland 2024 takes place from 20- 28 January from 5.30- 8pm. There are four award categories:
* The Creative Award
* The Community Window Award
* Save the Planet Award
* The Positive Message Award